Friday, February 20, 2009

Photo sesion! is it real?

wew, sekarang dah mulai deket2 ma bulan APRIL! tinggal 65 hari lagi dari pas gua nge post ini, nak smp bakal masuk hari kematian!(LEBAY)

bUT, there is something important! it's about YEARBOOK. Seriously, i feel tired with all of this especialy the preparation of this sesion! but, what do i think always diferent with the earth's think!

eh!! tunggu dulu, lo mesti tau our concept for this unforgetable book.
" S U P R E M E E S "
konsep kelas nya itu? just call me 0852 8682 4001(cause it is realy private)

Pada tanggal? (gua lupa) kita mau foto lah. Pas dah mau foto, eh, banyak banget masalhnya mulai dari
a. Masalah kelas yang bener-bener bikin gua nyesel
b. Transport yang bingung-bingung
c. Pakaian yang masih belum terpikirkan dan kebayangkan
d. Sepatu yang ga tau mau make apa
e. Izin polisi yang bikin gua tegang
f. semua nya
g. apa ya?

Pokoknya, there was so many things happening to us! and there was a horrible statement that made me worry. Waktu gua denger, weih dah kayak kaga da harapan. Dah lelah ngelilingin ma temen2 buat survey tiba-tiba dengan ucapan berantakan.

Ternyata, semua beda guru gua jadi super duber mega giga baik. Dia mau ikut, tapi yang jadi masalah kita foto dengan tidak bersama 3 anak yaitu Rama, Budi, dan Jessica. Akhirnya, kita putusin mereka fotonya nyusul


at 6.10 am : GUa dah nyampe dunk. namanya juga semangat abis
at 7.00-10.00 am : BEEETTEE nungguin anak-anak cewek dandandan

at 10.00-11.00 am: gara-gara gua mau lewat, polisi dateng nutup jalan(padahal dia lagi ngurusin jalanan)

at 11.00-01.00pm : Foto dunk

at 01.00 pm : GUA PINGSAn (hahaha,, kocak abis tuh! karena gua kga brat dgn pmbuktian temen-temen gua yang ngangkat, malu abis gua)

at 04.00 pm : Pulang dunk!

at 04.35 pm : Bersama 13 anak nonton hantu jamu gendong, cment: aneh!
at 6pm : nyampe rumah

intinya hari itu gua bener2 dah kyk tinggal punya 1/2 badan. Ini semua gara2 batagor, gua lupa makan batagor padahal temen2 gua makan batagor dan gua kaga bisa makan batagor gara-gara ngurusin izin nkk.

BATAGOR Vs Henry Vs Pingsan

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Dapet tugas nih!


waduh.. komen gua pas dapet tugas ya
1. ah gampang lah! (sombong dulu lah)
2. tentang gereja doang? sip..
3. Kelompoknya menjaminkan sean n krissy jago2 mereka. bisalah gua makan gaji buta!

ehhhhhhhh... pas gua check-check


lumayan terkenal sih tuh gereja! tapi gua confuse gara-gara kita ngarep ma internet. Pertama kali gua kira, sean sang anak pendeta itu adalah jemaat dari UPC. Pas gua liat lagi tuh ternyata there's nothing in Indonesia!

Indonesia is just the location of foreign ministry division of United Pentacostal Church
bukan district gereja!

Untungnya, gua dapet gampangnya

enak lah gua! haha.. akhirnya, kelar dh tugas gua. walaupun gua liat ga perfect tapi, bodo lah! malay tugas mulu.. haha

Harapan terakhir ya, mereka lah! anyway, she still doesn't give me anything till the fourth post. hahaha

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Ini post untuk ke tiga kalinya! Dan still, SHE DOESN'T GIVE ME ANY YET, BUT SHE WENT TO THE EXPENSIVE PLACE WITH HER FRIEND (sorry to say)

*sebelumnya foto itu bukan KPA(kekerasan pada anak ya)

This time, i would like to tell about the most everlasting weekend in my life. Nobody want to spend their weekend in school, right? or nobody want to do homework in weekend, right?

Nah, itu yang slalu gua pingin rasain.

Di weekend My mind has its own schedule on weekend
1. Sleep naked on night (sensor please)*please don't ever follow this!
2. Wake up lately atleast at 9 am
3. Eat Nasi Uduk or Nasi Ketan with Pisang Goreng
4. Breakfast lately
5. Watch cartoon (spongebob, Simpsons, etc)
6. Take a pie in a short time
7. Have a delicious lunch (buy outside)
8. Online
9. Noon Sleeping / Watch movie
10. Never touch any book

Itu yang telah diprogram oleh otak gua untuk waktu yang sangat lama! bisa dibilang, 4 tahun terakhir ini!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUT WHAT HAPPENDS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Semuanya mesti rusak gara-gara

Education minister Proudly present NATIONAL EXAMINATION 2009 ON 27-31 APRIL 2009
Gara-gara itu lah sekolah gua jadi

I was feeling disapointed.
Cause on everyday (monday till thursday) night start from 5pm till 620 pm i have a course in QUANTUM and it such a tired activity for me.

I don't know what should i do next. Tapi yang jelas, gua mesti ikut saturday program. Kebayang ga muka nyokap kalo gua ga ikut
mama :"Adek, kenapa kamu ga bangun? Hari ini sabtu kan?"
Adek : "Ga ma, kata bu guru hari ini cancel gara-gara sekolah banjir."
Mama :"Banjir? Boong kamu! Tadi malam aja mama baru lewat sana"
Adek : Kan tadi malam, mama ga tau disana ujan jam 2 pagi
Mama : Mana ada hujan! Kamu boong aja. Mama telpon ke gru kamu ya.
Adek : Terserah!

Dan kalau ternyata gua beneran bohong
Adek : APA MA??
Mama : Turun kamu! Mama ga mau tau, kamu mesti pergi sekarang kalo ga kamu bershin tuh kotoran tikus, kecoa, kucing, gajah, dkk ampe badan kamu kurus
(berhubung gua 65, kt nyokap suruh kurus =20).

*ma maap ya kalau baca. hanya buat lelucon saja. nyokap gua adalah cewek yang terbaik di dunia

Tapi kalau gua bener

Adek : Apa ma?
Mama : Turun kamu
Adek : Kenapa ma?
Mama : Berhubung kamu ga masuk, pijitin kaki mama dunk! hehe. Capek kerja terus! hehe

(anyway stau gua nyokap kerjaannya adalah tanda tangan! kenapa kaki yang sakit ya?)

Intinya adalah

GUa slalu berharap. Saturday program dijarangin atau bisa datanglah banjir besar melanda gedung smp global prestasi setiap hari sabtu aja! !!

15 January 2009

Siapa sih yang ga tau tanggal 15 January?
Orang- orang yang tau 15 januari
a. anak tk b. Tante
c. anak sd
d. Om
e. anak smp f. anak sma
g. anak2 (capek soalnya nulis anak mulu)

h. new york times i. history on this day
j. friends y. bokap z. nyokap a.kakak

Yah! Itu adalah hari ulang tahun gua! heheh..

Jadi gini cerita ini bisa dibilang lanjutan gw dari post ttg my grandma! Berawalan dari situ lah yang membuka semua hal yang akan terjadi di hari 15 januari. Tiap taon gw liat kalender buat ngitung hari n guru siapa yang ngajar. Tahun 2009, ultah gw hari KAMIS.

Kamis, 15 Januari 2009 = Ekonomi (ms Sandra), Bio (Ms Elis), IT(Mr Glory), Fis(Ms Krista), n English(mm Yuli). Semua guru itu lumayan bikin gua takut sih. Tapi gua optimis lah. haha

Selain itu 15 januari juga ortu kaga ada. Mereka lagi di Medan, do something important and i don't know. Jadi itu hari pertama ultah without parents! (*otomatis kaga bisa nambahin budget, kemungkinan gua nombok)

15 januari ini jga gua ultah ke 15 tahun. Jadi lumayan keren juga buat dicatat dalam World's history. (haha)

Mulai gua masuki hari itu.
5-6 AM : Messages (HAPPY)

6-7 AM : Messages (HAPPY), Greets (HAPPY), No present (bit of sad)

7-8 AM : Messages from parents (Happy), Call from uncle (HAPPY)

8-12 AM : No messages (bit of sad) n Greets (Happy)

12-14 : Nothing( happy)

14-16 : Greets (Happy)

16-18 : Traktir temen2 (happy n sad) nombok. (maap ya)

18-21 : Call from Papa (1st) call from Mama (2nd) = Happy
H+1 : No Present (sad)
H+2 : Still no present (sad)
H+7 : No Present (sad)
H+14 : No present (sad)
H+28 : Present from k Indri bag one (HAAAAAAAAAAAPPPYY)

But still, just one present! and i thought my friend will give it, cause i gave her something precious and expensive from my tabungan and she doesn't give me any yet with the reason cause she hasn't any money.

But still, when it was her birthday, she asked me all the times to bring a present on my birthday party!

HUHUHUHU!!!!!! So sad huh? it happend to me. But my sister said "Jangan gitu, nanti nama kamu jadi jelek, ga usah ngarep lah dari dia.". Oke and Gua lakuin. Walaupun kecewa tapi ya gapapa lah!!! hehehe

Buat orang yang ngerasa dia lah she/ her itu! harap segera memberi kan kado(hehehe). terserah lah!

Thanks for seeing! GBU! GBME! GB all

Good Bye Grandma

It was very sad moment in my life. The first time i understand about death and life. Actually, both of my grandfathers have been die now, but it was about 5 years old on my age. And i couldn't go to there, because my sister had a national test. When i was 5 yo, my grandfathers died i didn't understand about cry or sad for someone die. But now I UNDERSTAND.

My grandma from my daddy died, and I'm 15 years old there. The stories began when i was 8th grade on my junior high school. My grandma got stroke and she couldn't walk, remember something, and think. Especially the important thing is, my grandma couldn't talk in BAHASA. When i got a holiday i went to Medan for visiting my grandma. I was very shock there when i saw my beautiful grandma is on the chair. Unpredictable, she known who i am. I was very happy for it. But, my grandma couldn't stand, walk, and anything that human has to do. At the morning, My grandma and I were going around the house. I asked my grandma in bahasa and she couldn't understand, so my aunt translated it to batak language. And she was happy, and we went around. When we were going to back, my grandma said to stop at the unknown house. And it was my grandma's friend house. The sad thing was, when my grandma and her friend did the same thing was sitting on the kursi roda. I didn't believe that her friend got the same illness. And her friend told me to take care for my grandma in batak language.

And in 6 January 2009, my grandma went to heaven. She is my grandma from daddy. When new year's eve, my whole family decided to pray for grand ma that "if God want to cure her, cure her fastly. But, if God want to call her, call her fastly too". And she went to heaven in 6 January. When i was back home from my course, i shocked when i see my mommy bagage. I asked my sister, and she said that grandma died. I didn't cry, my family in home did too. But when 9 january 2009, I went with my sisters to medan. It was sad moment. Because we saw her on the bed with the orange beautiful clothe, beautiful face, and beautiful eye. I didn't believe that she died, because her eyes. She was like sleeping. On 10 January we have to do the ritual and on 11 January we dropped her to her last place in Balige beside my Grandfather. I was sad but i was happy cause i could see my grandpa n grandma place. Hehe. And I have my last grandma. She is very kind. She is my grandma from mommy. Thanks for see this post. GBU